Open Mic Studios

Putting You On
Center Stage

Open Mic Studios

Who We Are


Open Mic Studios is a casting studio that focuses on putting your voice on center stage! We priortize curating the best casting roster on the planet, made up of voice actors of every skill level! Founded in 2023, we're a group of casting directors, voice actors and artists who want to help game developers, animators, and project leads of all kinds create long lasting connections to fresh talent!

Casting and Directing


We offer thoughtful and passionate casting and directing from industry creators and professionals who love voice acting as much as you do!



Using our Discord server and talent pool, we can connect directors with a curated and passionate pool of vetted voice actors!

Anonymous Casting


We use a dedicated casting system to make sure new voices that have been approved by our voice team can take center stage!

Classes and Workshops


Within our server we host mixers, workshops, and One on One coaching sessions with our staff to help our curated roster grow!

The Mic System

The Bronze Mic


The starting tier that gets access to workshops, coaching and more!

The Silver Mic


The next level for people with verified setups! They get exclusive access to casting calls from both us and our clients!

The Gold Mic


For professional voice actors who are established and ready to reach the stars! Gold Mics get feedback on every audition.

The Casting System

Using a numbered casting system, one person receives the auditions and removes any names from the file, but adds a number to it.Another casting director looks at the numbered audition files with the client and determines who is the best fit. If the unnamed and numbered audition is selected, it will be matched to the person who submitted!

Step 1 | General Casting

Casting begins via form submission or submission via email. The casting lead of that project is selected from our moderator team and they duplicate and rename the auditions with numbers as they come in.

Step 2 | Casting Process

With the client and moderator team, everyone listens to the numbered auditions and decides on the best fit.

Step 3 | Callbacks and Selection

After initial selections, the client and lead casting directors will notify the selected parties and establish contact.

Contact Us

Want to work together or join our community? Reach out and say hi!

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